Dreams about feces and Tarot symbolism

Dreams about feces

Dreams about feces or defecating dreams express as we will see multiple symbologies, even of an alchemical nature.

In an OniroTarology exercise carried out together with the Forum “Il Vascello delle Stelle Stelle” I proposed to work on dreams about feces and dreams of defecating, or more down to earth, to dream of pooping.

Here is a summary of the exercise, which involved combining the Tarot symbolism with this type of dream. A situation so simple and in some ways humble can give rise to many interpretative nuances!

The dog of the Fool Tarot Card and dreams about feces

The Fool Tarot Card and dreams about feces
The Fool Tarot Card

In the Fool Tarot Arcanum, the dog seems to be excreted from the Fool’s butt and can be interpreted as its raw, animalistic residue. The Fool, freed by this residue, seems to walk joyfully towards his own destiny. It recalls the Opus of Alchemy, where progress towards Philosopher’s Gold takes place through a “separation” of the heaviest and most earthly materials from the purest and most precious elements.

The cleaning process of Death Tarot card

Death Tarot Card and dreams about feces
Death Tarot Card

In the Death Arcanum the black earth seems to be cultivated by its sickle and recalls faces. The poop not as a useless waste, but used as a fertilizer to stimulate the growth of new “parts” of our totality.

The recovery of the most filthy and humble materials as a starting point of the transformative process is frequently named in alchemical books. In this regard we recall the biblical saying ” The stone which the builders refused has become the head stone of the corner”.

Star and the Moon Tarot cards and dreams about feces

Star Tarot Card and dreams about feces
The Star Tarot Card
Moon Tarot Card
The Moon Tarot Card

In combination with defecating dreams, The Star and The Moon Tarot cards can be viewed in their original sequence: the Moon (XVIII) in fact follows the Star (XVII). The woman of the Star is crouched and expresses the action connected to defecating. The symbolic idea is visually reinforced by the liquids that she seems to produce and pour out through its vessels. Dreaming of defecating is in fact symbolically comparable to giving birth. That is, generating something new and containing our seeds. The creature of the Star can in fact be interpreted as the parturient feeding the river of births.

In the puddle of the Moon we can instead imagine the “product” of the action of the Woman of the Star: faeces or sewage. The Moon is a maternal archetype, emphasizing again the generative connotation of faeces, as a new form of life that comes to light.

Tower Tarot Card and defecating dreams

Tower Tarot card symbolism
The Tower Tarot card

This Arcanum somehow recalls the “trauma” linked to the action of defecating through the anal duct, as an explosive release of the superfluous that necessarily leads to break down the previous construction.

The Wheel Tarot card and the alchemical digestion

Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card
Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card

The Wheel represents the idea of ​​circulation of matter and energy. It therefore represents the entire digestion process associated with faeces. The alchemists called this operation “digestio”. In other words, a nourishment which is subsequently assimilated, digested and finally expelled to fertilize and generate new life.

Click here to learn more about the OniroTarology method.
