Dreaming of falling symbology and meaning

Dreaming of falling lends itself to a double interpretation.

Negatively, dreaming of falling corresponds to the idea of ​​”ground that is missing under our feet”. Thus representing the disintegration of our certainties, the fear that all that we are and that we possess may collapse and crash to the ground.

On the positive side, this recurring dream urges us to always be willing to sacrifice everything we are and what we have. The moment we accept to lose ourselves in the void we are presented with the opportunity to be reborn. To rebuild a new life without the burden of our past and without the need for any “grip”.

In dreams, a high vs low dynamic often occurs. In dreams where we move upwards (eg on a ladder or an elevator) the idea is that of a spiritual evolution, the need to aspire to higher peaks (see the Arcanum XX of Judgment).

On the other hand, it alludes to being too detached, “with the head in the air”.

Dreaming of falling down

Dreaming of falling implies a downward dynamic, where our most “raw” psychic components are ideally found. There we find the most wild and primitive part of us.

Going down indicates the need to get in touch with these wild and apparently disgusting forces. Insects and snakes live below!

But it is always healthy to “get our hands dirty” and get back in touch with the earth.

The Tower of the Tarot

Arcanum XVI, the “Maison Dieu”, illustrates very well the dreamlike theme of falling to the ground.

In psychic terms, the “House-God” corresponds to our mask, to our body shell, to exteriority. It’s the jungian “Persona”. Two characters emerge from the Tower. The destruction of the Tower corresponds to the acceptance that two elements coexist in us: male and female. In other words: consciousness and unconscious.

Dreaming of falling
The Tower and the fall

This Arcanum, combined with the recurring dream of falling, teaches us that it is always necessary to erode our masks, to accept to destroy all the towers that cage us to free our true essence, the totality of our Self, fruit of the relation between consciousness unconscious.

This release always happens “digging down”. It is at the bottom that we can find our “philosopher’s stone”, as suggested by the hermetic saying “Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem“.

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