Window symbolism in dreams and Tarot

Window symbolism in dreams

The window has a peculiar symbolism in dreams. It can appear, for example, in those dreams where we observe a landscape from a window.

It is surprising to observe how each element we encounter in a dream, as well as in reality, can be traced back to the language of the Tarot. This implies identifying one or more Major Arcana in which that element is present as a symbol.

Here is a summary of a OniroTarology exercise (the method that links the language of dreams to Tarot) on the dream symbolism of the window. As we shall see, a very interesting symbology can be hidden behind the dream situation where we are looking outside a window.

At a symbolic level, the window is an interspace that allows us to look outside but keeping ourselves separate from the outside, thus precluding us from the possibility of interacting with the world. Furthermore the window, as a glass, distorts the vision of reality thou imperceptibly.

The window symbolism in Tarot

Let us now examine all the Major Arcana in which we can find the motif of the window.

From a purely iconographic point of view, the window is present in Arcanum XVI (“Maison Dieu” or “The Tower”) and in the towers of the Moon Tarot card, Arcanum XVIII.

Window symbolism in dreams and tarot
Tarot and dreams: The Moon and the Tower

If the Tower represents the jungian “Persona” or the body with which we identify ourselves, the windows can correspond to our eyes. Inside the eyes we even find some organs that recall the window glass, such as the “crystallin” and the “vitreous body”.

The eyes actually make it possible for us to observe the outside, but they are also a filter, a deformed mirror.

What Tarot tell us on dreaming of windows

The Tower Tarot card teaches us that a “superior” energy is often needed to force us to leave our Tower and get back in touch with the earth, feeling the outer world with our hands rather than looking at it from a window. It is an energy that springs from a solar disk, a symbolic image of the jungian Self, our psychic totality.

The Moon is the Arcanum connected to the reflected light of the mind, its conflicts and its duplicity. There are two faces of the moon, two towers, two dogs that are opposed. The motif of the distortion of reality caused by the “window” of the eyes is reinforced with the Tarot Moon symbolism.

The waters of the lunar pond are murky and choppy. It is another symbolic motif of the mind that is not “crystalline”, which only lets the fearful aspects of what moves under water leak out without grasping its potential. The crab appears as a submarine “monster” of the unconscious. But under his shell a delicious nourishment is offered!

Read here to learn more about the meaning of dreaming fish.
