Numbers dream meaning: dreams about 3

Numbers dream meaning: dreams about 3

This post is about numbers dream meaning, specifically about number three. Numbers may have in fact a precise meaning in dreams.

Do you ever dream about number three? Or dreams about three objects or three people? Like any dream element (characters, settings, objects), numbers are of great importance in the interpretation of dreams.

The first aspect to be investigated about numbers dream meaning is how a particular number is part of our life: it could be for instance the number of our home address, the number associated with our name in the school register, a fragment of a number of telephone, or any other clue of a subjective nature.

When we cannot retrieve personal associations to numbers, the symbolic nature of numbers dream meaning must be considered: that is, it is possible to find in numbers archetypal contents, not necessarily related to our personal experience.

Numbers dream meaning: symbolism of number three

One of the most common numbers in dreams is three.

Three is a magic number, says popular wisdom, a knowledge that has its roots in numerous traditions, religions and myths. There are three divine elements in the Holy Trinity, but the same Trinitarian meaning is found in the Hindu religion and in Egyptian and Greek mythology. The three also concerns the deities of the underworld, like Hecate, a Goddess which has threefold form. Three are the heads of Cerberus, the monstrous guardian of the underworld. The configurations of the Moon, queen of the night, are three.

In folklore, magic formulas must be repeated three times for the spell to take effect.

Symbolically, three is a male number, like all odd numbers, and has an active nature. In general, when the three appears in a dream (eg: we dream of three objects or three characters), we can think of an unconscious dynamic that has been activated: there is some change going on.

The number three in dreams and in the Tarot

OniroTarology is a method that concerns the interpretation of dreams drawing on the symbolism of the Tarot.

In the Tarot three characters appear in different major Arcana, but we focus in particular on the Arcanum XV (The Devil) and on the XVIIII (the Sun): this is consistent with the numinous and dual aspect of the three, which as we have seen may concern both celestial and underground entities.

Numbers dream meaning and the three characters in the Devil Tarot card
The three characters in the Devil Tarot card
The Sun Tarot card and number three in dreams

The Sun Tarot Card and the number three

If the dream context leads us to associate the Devil to our dream (eg: the dream is set by night), the three can relate to the dynamics in the sphere of instincts (what is below).

If the context makes one think of the brightness of the Sun, the change may consist of an intellectual or spiritual evolution (what is above).

Learn to interpret dreams with the help of Tarot symbolism!

The OniroTarology – “Tarot and Dreams” Course is available on Udemy, the largest online learning community.

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