Dreaming of giving birth and pregnancy dreams

Dreaming of giving birth shows the need to give life to a new awareness. A need to renew ourselves, to be re-born.

It also amounts to “killing” our old identity. What in psychology is our old mask, the jungian “Persona”, what we thought we were.

This new being is our “inner child”, the archetype of the eternal child. It can also concretely represent one of our new ideas, a project that we intend to pursue.

In order to refine the interpretation of the dream of giving birth, we should observe our attitude towards this inner child. Are we feeding him? Are we neglecting it? Is it a difficult birth? Is the baby born dead? It is always very important to check the health of our inner child. This will help us to understand which correct directions we should give to our conscious life.

For male dreamers, to dream of giving birth is replaced by dealing with small children. Or alternatively, with adorable creatures of small size.

In the practice of interpreting this dream we might even ask ourselves what happened nine months ago. The unconscious has a formidable memory, deeply tied to the cycles of nature. What seeds thrown nine months ago are bearing fruit?

Meaning of dreaming of giving birth

The Arcanum XX of the Tarot – The Judgement – describes the symbolism of the recurring dream of giving birth: a new being depicted in blue color (therefore a spiritually high being), rises from a tomb.

As we have said, our rebirth can only take place on the condition of symbolically killing what we have been up to now. This is why the child emerges from a grave!

Dreaming of giving birth
The Judgement and pregnancy dreams

But in order for this re-birth to succeed, we must draw on our inner feminine energies (the woman on the left, linked to intuition) and masculine (the man on the right, which concerns the decisiveness and material security).

Finally, the intervention of the Holy Spirit is needed, who symbolically represents that bit of divine that is in us (the Jungian “Self”)!

Click here to learn more about the OniroTarology method.

Massimiliano Colosimo
