Seminar on Dreams and Tarot and Jungian psychology

Seminar invitation

Seminar on Dreams and Tarot in a jungian perspective, September 26, 2014

Coordinators Giuseppe Fojeni (psychologist and psychotherapist) and Massimiliano Colosimo.

Invitation to seminar on dreams and Tarot symbolism
Invitation to seminar

Dream interpretation can find an echo, sometimes extraordinarily synchronic, in the examination of the symbolism of Tarot.

The seminar presents some cases in which an integrated reading of the two areas, dreams and Tarot, has favored and facilitated a more incisive understanding of the issue posed by the patient.

The seminar is aimed at psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists and for those who have an education or an interest in psychoanalysis and in psychology of the unconscious.


  • Presentation: psychology and tarot cards. (Giuseppe Fojeni)
  • Projection of a video that will illustrate the 22 Major Arcana of the Tarot.
  • Reading dreams with the symbols of the Tarot: analysis of dreams with the technique of OniroTarology and its contribution to the understanding of psychological issues. (Massimiliano Colosimo)

Cost of the seminar: 50 euros.     

For information Contact CEPEI at
